Falcon Studios – D.O., Conner Maguire

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Basking in the warm sunlight overlooking the forested valley, Falcon Studios D.O. and Connor Maguire find comfort and pleasure in each other’s strong embrace. The two men kiss passionately until Connor slides down onto his knees to face the hefty treasure sprouting from D.O.’s loins. The hungry jock’s head bobs back and forth as he swallows his man’s meaty sword, deepthroating its enormity. D.O. then has Connor bent over so he can munch and lick his sweet asshole.

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He blows and spits into the clenched crack between long lingering slurps and pokes a couple of fingers inside, exciting them both. Connor balances himself on top of D.O. and bounces up and down on his thick cock. They reposition so D.O. can fuck Connor up the ass from behind, and every thrust in and out has both men reeling with desire. Finally ready to blow, D.O. pulls out and jacks himself off onto his man’s chest; and Connor responds by squeezing out his load, blasting his cum all over.

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Falcon Studios D.O. Conner Maguire I Want You Stream Full Gay porno Movies

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