Brad Rioux and Brandon Jones

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Men of Montreal says: Veteran actors Brad Rioux and Brandon Jones have wanted to shoot together for a while now, and we were more than happy to provide the venue for them to show off.

You will recall that last month Brandon Jones took advantage of his boyfriend’s business trip to get it on with Alexy Tyler. As we said then, when the cat’s away the mice will play.

Well, today, the cat got his revenge during Samuel’s absence. Brandon hooked up with Brad Rioux and the two of them went to town Brandon was looking forward to taking Brad’s extra huge cock.

We were having trouble getting him through the preliminaries, but Brad was aiming his fat dick into Brandon’s rather hungry butthole. Brad, an experienced porn actor, was nervous at getting it on with Brandon.

When we asked him why he was so nervous, he said that Brandon turned him totally on and he had been looking forward to this shoot for several days. After we finished our photo shoot, we figured that the best way to produce this scene was to simply unleash these guys and let them go at it. Which is exactly what we did.

Brandon was as happy as a pig in mud getting fucked to shoot his load and Brad insisted that he wanted a fat cock in his mouth and throat to take him over the top.

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