Sexy 23 year old French stud Valentin Defarge strips and jerks his huge uncut dick

Bentley Race says: One of the cutest guys I have gotten to meet and shoot with this year is my 23 year old French mate, Valentin Defarge. I mate Val at the beginning of this year during his first visit to Australia. Well I’m really happy to see him back this summer shooting with us again.

He is one of the sweetest guys I know and he has already made some very hot videos with our mates. Val is back today getting naked, playing with some toys and getting off while I film him. He looks so dam cute in his super hero t-shirt.

This was a kind of impromptu shoot while we were catching up. We are already planning some hot sex scenes between Val and some of my other mates in the coming weeks. In the meantime you can also check out his hot scenes where he get fucked by my mates Cody and Damien.

We are all very happy to see Val back, looking super fit and ready for some hot action.

All the Bentley Race updates right here!

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