Black muscle stud Devon Ford shows off his rippling abs

Muscle Hunks says: Home-aloner Devon the Dude is back shakin’ his booty on our private studio mini-stage. Lights, camera, music, dance. Dreamy Devon Ford does his duty diligently, dazzling muscle darling that he is now.

As you may recall, Dude Devon is packing more than his share of delights down below, so drop by and dig in. And once again, don’t miss the after-party.

Devon Ford on himself: I’m black, Italian, Dominican and I love life and romance. I’m very outgoing with others and love to laugh. In my spare time I love working out and after a tough long workout session a hot steamy shower and lots of soap make me so relaxed and make my muscles glisten.

I am from Arizona USA, and I love to travel and I am 5 foot 4 and 205 pounds lean very stocky and nice. Get this video at Muscle Hunks!

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