Daddy’s boy Evan Mercy fucks older hairy hunk David Chase’s ass till it is red raw

Naked Sword says: What’s do you do if you’re a married man curious about gay sex? Hire a professional, of course. David Chase is a dedicated family man, but he’s always wondered if there wasn’t more beyond his sexual picket fence. When his wife and kids go out of town, he hires Evan Mercy for a little discreet exploration. Hairy David still gets to play daddy, but for an entirely new kind of boy.

Skater punk Evan Mercy shows him the joys of man-on-man sex as David tries dick for the first time, sucking and getting sucked by Evan. Evan knows how to please this hungry dad, and by the end he’s flipped the script and fucking his handsome client. Something tells us this boys getting a raise in his allowance. Get this video at Naked Sword!


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